Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today, unfortunately, is my birthday.

I am getting older. There's no way around that, and on some level, I suppose I'm fine with that. But every now and then it hits me with hurricane strength, taking every bit of wind out of my sails.

I do believe that God has a plan for all of us, most of us just aren't really ever meant to know our plan until we wake up one day and walk into the life we've chosen and there it is- staring us in the face. I think it's pretty darn normal for people to cringe at the thought of getting older, right? Well, I'm just saying I've never met anyone that said, "Yes!! I'm 5 years away from 30! Sweet!" No.

To top it off, the one person that could make me feel better isn't here, and everything I do reminds me of that followed by some self induced faux-clarity. The reality is convoluted and not really worth typing out to be honest, not to mention a lonnnng ass story. The kind of story the write books and make movies about. Seriously.

"I just wish you were here," I find myself thinking, all the time.

It's been one of the roughest years I've had and I'm not gonna lie, the good times were awwwesome and the bad times we straight horrendous; in all aspects of my life, not just one. I felt and said things that I never have before, on both ends of the spectrum. So I'm just gonna keep trying to make music that affects people in a positive way, because that's the only thing I'm certain of that is always gonna be there for me at the end of the day, as much as I would honestly rather it just be just this one, single, beautiful person.

Time is of the essence.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kellen, I found it necessary to let you know that you are a great inspiration to me in my life. Your music not only brings me great pleasure, but also serves as a crucial part of my life. After a rough day at work I know that I can always plug in my headphones and crank it up to some mmf for the long bike ride home. I am also a guitarist who loves music very much but had given up from lack of interest, It wasn't until your music that awakened who I was and what I wanted to do in my life. It's a difficult road, yet i'm excited to begin. I would just like to thank you for what you do and how it impacts peoples lives everyday, and hey don't worry about getting older, its all a part of the ride.
